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Lycia: Getting Started
Lycia: Development
Do I need a database connection at compile time?
Enable file upload/download in LyciaWeb
How can I get the error details with TRY…CATCH ?
How to handle files using a Lycia web service and save them to the database in a BLOB type field?
Is it safe/possible to use LyciaStudio with HydraServer?
Is it possible to set a property or tag in ui.menucommand ?
Remote printing with LyciaWeb
Working with Hydra projects in Lycia
Where is the default image folder in Lycia and where can I configure it?
Can I change the text of the 'OK' button in a fgl_winmessage()?
How do I prevent the closing of a program with the top right cross (form window)?
Linux. LyciaWeb client. qrun process stays in memory after closing application
What does TERMINATE SIGNAL stand for? Is it like INTERRUPTED?
Can I invoke a JavaScript/jQuery function from a Lycia button?
Is it possible to show or hide a table column with 4GL?
How do I do a MOVE / MV operation?
Styles no longer apply
Does LyciaStudio support remote debugging?
Is there a way to compile an application on my local workstation and deploy it on a remote server?
Is it possible to deploy programs compiled on Windows to Linux?
Is it possible to deploy programs compiled on Linux to Windows?
Is there a built-in variable for the authenficated user or should I read QX_USER?
Informix: User password limitations
How to capture browser tab/window close event in 4GL program?
Checklist for successful development in LyciaStudio
Lycia: DevOps
Lycia: Errors
Lycia: Examples
Lycia: Licensing
Tips for efficient troubleshooting
Checklist for successful run of 4gl applications
POC requirements: How to help prospective customers get on board quickly.
Security notification: Log4j v2 is not used in any versions of Lycia or Hydra products
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Can I change the text of the 'OK' button in a fgl_winmessage()?
Can I change the text of the 'OK' button in a fgl_winmessage()?
Elena Sviridenko (Unlicensed)
Owned by
Elena Sviridenko (Unlicensed)
Last updated:
Aug 03, 2018
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No, but you can define texts for all buttons in the
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Example: Using the fgl_upload function with TextField with FileUpload
Example: Using the fgl_upload function with TextField with FileUpload
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Print from my program
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Is it possible to set a property or tag in ui.menucommand ?
Is it possible to set a property or tag in ui.menucommand ?
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How can I get the error details with TRY…CATCH ?
How can I get the error details with TRY…CATCH ?
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