Import JAVA class: ERROR -105100: Unable to load Java class

Import JAVA class: ERROR -105100: Unable to load Java class

You may receive a subject error while trying to import a JAVA class in 4GL program:

Compiling file 'javaimport.4gl'Executing command: "C:\Program Files\Querix\Lycia/bin/qfgl" --xml-errors -d informix -o "C:\Users\user\workspace\vcon\output\javaimport.4o" -e UTF-8 "C:\Users\user\workspace\vcon\source\javaimport.4gl" --check-kw in working directory C:\Users\user\workspace\vcon\source Executing command finished. Exit code: 1 Contents of stdout: Contents of stderr: <problem><tool name="qfgl"/><source file="C:\Users\user\workspace\vcon\source\javaimport.4gl" first_line="2" last_line="2" first_column="13" last_column="38"/><error><code>-105100</code><message>Unable to load Java class (com.querix.test.javaclass). The specified Java class could not be loaded. Check that the class name is correct and that the class is located on the class path. </message></error></problem> Compilation failed (Failed, 1 error)

Possible solutions

  1. For a successful import, the path to the Java class should be specified either in the CLASSPATH environment variable or in the --java-option passed to qfgl, unless it is a standard Java class - https://querix.com/go/lycia/index.htm#09_auxiliary/java/classes_objects/java_import_java_classes.htm

  2. Please ensure that you have one-to-one mapping between the package name and the file system directory structure:

3. In case your Java class refers to another class, please make sure all dependencies are added to your CLASSPATH environment variable.

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