Microsoft SQL Server for Hydra
Microsoft SQL Server for Hydra
The installation procedure described assumes that a version of SQL Server is being installed from CD-ROM.
Microsoft has identified a potential issue when running many processes while using SQL Server on NT Servers. This issue is discussed in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 824422 (UPD: This article is no longer available on the Microsoft website).
SQL Server Connections
From the CD-ROM autorun index window, select SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
- Click the SQL Server 2000 Components button.
- In the Install Components window, select Install Database Server.
- In the Computer Name window, select the LocalComputer radio button, and click the Next button.
- In the Installation Selection window, select the Create a New Instance of SQL Server, or the Install Client Tools radio button and click the Next button.
- In the User Information window, type your username and the name of your company, then click the Next button.
- In the Software License Agreement window, read the license agreement and, if you agree to the terms and conditions, click the Yes button.
- In the Installation Definition window, select the Client Tools Only radio button, and click the Next button.
- In the Select Components window, accept the defaults shown and click the Next button
- In the Start Copying Files window, click the Next button.
- In the Setup Complete window, click the Finish button.
Connection Setup
- Open ‘HydraStudio’, and from the Tools menu, select Database Connections. The Querix Connect window is displayed
- Click the ODBC tab and then click the ODBC Administrator button. The ODBC Data Source Administrator window is displayed.
- Select the System DSN tab, and click the Add button. The Create New Data Source window is displayed.
- From the list displayed, select SQL Server, and click the Finish button. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server window is displayed.
- In the Name field, type the name by which you will refer to the data source.
- In the Description field, type some text to describe this data source connection.
- In the Server field, type or select the name of the SQL Server instance that you want to connect to. To complete the test this can be ‘localhost’.
- Click the Finish button. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog is displayed. This lists the configuration details for the setup you have just created.
- To test the connection to the data source, click the Test Data Source button; otherwise click the OK button.
You also need to set the SQLSERVER system variable in your systems environment AND in the GUI server (file inet.env)
for example: SQLSERVER DSN=%DB_NAME%;UID=%DB_Login%;PWD=%password%
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