Error codes 100 – 199

Error codes 100 – 199

100 ISAM error: duplicate value for a record with unique key.

A row that was to be inserted or updated has a key value that already exists in its index. For C-ISAM programs, a duplicate value was presented in the last call to iswrite, isrewrite, isrewcurr, or isaddindex. Review the program logic and the input data. For SQL products, a duplicate key value was used in the last INSERT or UPDATE.

101 ISAM error: file is not open.

The program attempted to use an unopened file, table, partition, tablespace, or other storage object, or one of these whose access mode did not support the requested operation (for example, an attempt to write to a file that was opened in read-only mode).
If the error recurs, refer to the information on trapping errors in your Administrator’s Guide for additional diagnostics. Contact Informix Technical Support with the diagnostic information.

102 ISAM error: illegal argument to ISAM function.

A parameter that was presented to one of the C-ISAM functions is outside the range of acceptable values. For C-ISAM programs, review the parameters that were used in this function call, and compare them to the documentation for the function. If the error recurs, please refer to the Appendix entitled “Trapping Errors” in your Administrator’s Guide to acquire additional diagnostics. Contact Informix Technical Support with the diagnostic information.

103 ISAM error: illegal key descriptor (too many parts or too long).

The ISAM processor has been given an invalid key descriptor. For C-ISAM programs, review the key descriptor. Each key descriptor has a maximum of 8 parts and 120 characters. If the error recurs, please refer to the Appendix entitled “Trapping Errors” in your Administrator’s Guide to acquire additional diagnostics. Contact Informix Technical Support with the diagnostic information.

104 ISAM error: too many files open.

The ISAM processor has reached its limit of open files. For C-ISAM programs, review the program logic and change it so that fewer files are open concurrently. Use isclose to close unneeded files. For SQL products, this query is too complex; it uses too many tables concurrently. Perform the query in steps, and use temporary tables.

105 ISAM error: bad ISAM file format.

The contents of an ISAM file (table or index) have been corrupted. For C-ISAM, if you used transaction logging, you can use the isrecover program to recover the file. Otherwise, re-create the file or restore it from backup. For SQL products, use the bcheck or secheck utility to get more information on the problem and possibly correct it (use the oncheck utility (or tbcheck with INFORMIX-OnLine versions 6.0 and earlier). If the utility cannot recover the table or index, you will have to re-create or restore it.

106 ISAM error: non-exclusive access.

The ISAM processor has been asked to add or drop an index but it does not have exclusive access. For C-ISAM programs, the file must be opened with exclusive access before you perform this operation. Review the program logic, and make sure that it opens this file by passing the ISEXCLLOCK flag to isopen. For SQL products, the database server returns this error when an exclusive lock is required on a table. For example, this error appears when a second user tries to alter a table that the first user has locked.

107 ISAM error: record is locked.

Another user request has locked the record that you requested or the file (table) that contains it. This condition is normally transient. A program can recover by rolling back the current transaction, waiting a short time, and re-executing the operation. For interactive SQL, redo the operation. For C-ISAM programs, review the program logic and make sure that it can handle this case, which is a normal event in multiprogramming systems. You can obtain exclusive access to a table by passing the ISEXCLLOCK flag to isopen. For SQL programs, review the program logic and make sure that it can handle this case, which is a normal event in multiprogramming systems. The simplest way to handle this error is to use the statement SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT. For bulk updates, see the LOCK TABLE statement and the EXCLUSIVE clause of the DATABASE statement.

108 ISAM error: key already exists.

The ISAM processor has been asked to create an index that already exists. For C-ISAM programs, review the program logic. The program must delete this existing index before it defines another. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

109 ISAM error: the key is the file’s primary key.

The ISAM processor has been asked to delete the primary key index. For C-ISAM programs, the isdelindex call cannot delete the primary key. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

110 ISAM error: end or beginning of the file.

Reading rows sequentially, forward or backward, the ISAM processor has reached one end of the file (table). For C-ISAM programs, this message is the normal signal for end of file. Use a different retrieval mode of isread to reposition the file. For SQL products, see the SQL error message or return code.

111 ISAM error: no record found.

The ISAM processor cannot locate the requested record. For C-ISAM programs, no record was found with the requested index value or record number, depending on the retrieval mode in use. Make sure that the correct index is in use. For SQL products, see the SQL error message or return code. Probably no row was found for this query.

112 ISAM error: there is no current record.

The ISAM processor has been asked to return the current record, but none has been established. For C-ISAM programs, review the program logic. Before the program uses the ISCURR retrieval mode, it must use another retrieval mode, such as ISFIRST, to establish a current record. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

113 ISAM error: the file is locked.

Another user request has opened the file (table) that was requested in exclusive mode. In systems that use files for locking, a tablename.lok file exists. Possibly such a file was left behind when another program terminated abnormally. If you are sure that is the case, you can release the lock by emptying that file. Lock files are not used in many systems, and they are never used with Informix Dynamic Server or INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server.
This error occurs with Informix Dynamic Server or INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server when a user attempts to access a table that has been locked.
For C-ISAM programs, rerun the program after the file is unlocked. For SQL products, tables are locked explicitly using the LOCK TABLE statement and implicitly during the execution of the CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE statement. Rerun the program or query when the table is unlocked.
If you get this error (-113) when using a transaction isolation mode of REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE, and if your query did not use an index (and therefore had to use a sequential scan of the entire table), the cause of the error might be that another user had either an exclusive lock or a promotable lock on at least one row in the table. If you are in REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE mode and your query requires a scan (search) of every single record in the table to find all the records that meet the conditions in the WHERE clause, then the engine will need to lock every record in the table to maintain the repeatability of the read. In practice, rather than locking every single record, the engine will try to lock the entire table. But if there are any exclusive locks, or even promotable locks, on any row in the table, then the engine will not be able to get a shared lock on the entire table, and the query will fail.

114 ISAM error: the file name is too long.

The ISAM processor has been asked to open or create a file with a filename longer than 10 characters. For C-ISAM programs, this length exceeds the maximum for the product. Choose a shorter filename. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

115 ISAM error: cannot create lock file.

The ISAM processor has been asked to access a file or row using locking. Because this operating system uses files for locking, ISAM must create a tablename.lok file. When it tried to do so, it received an error code from the operating system. The disk might be full, or your account might not have write permission in the relevant directory. Look for operating-system error messages that might give more information.

116 ISAM error: cannot allocate memory.

The ISAM processor needed to allocate memory for data storage but was unable to do so. A problem may exist in the operating system; look for operating-system error messages that might give more information. One cause of this error might be selecting a row that contains large BYTE or TEXT columns into a temporary table or as part of an INSERT or UPDATE. In some releases, an entire row that includes BLOB values is buffered in memory. For C-ISAM programs, review the program to look for ways that it can use less memory. For SQL products, simplify the program, form, or report if possible.

117 ISAM error: bad custom collating sequence.

No current Informix product displays this message. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

118 ISAM error: cannot read log record.

The ISAM processor is trying to roll back a transaction or recover a file but has encountered an error while reading the transaction log. Look for operating-system error messages that might give more information. Use the dblog or selog utility to get more information about the problem. If the file (table) cannot be recovered, you will have to re-create it or restore it from backup.

119 ISAM error: bad log record.

The ISAM processor is trying to roll back a transaction or recover a file but has encountered bad data in a transaction log record. The dblog or selog utility can be used to get more information about the problem. If the file (table) cannot be recovered, you will have to re-create it or restore it from backup.

120 ISAM error: cannot open log file.

The ISAM processor is trying to open the transaction log file but has received an error from the operating system. Look for operating-system error messages that might give more information. For C-ISAM programs, review the parameter passed to islogopen. Make sure that it specifies the correct filename of an existing, writable log file and that it includes a path if the file is not in the current directory. For SQL products, the START DATABASE statement establishes the transaction log file. Make sure that the log file still exists in the same directory location as when START DATABASE was issued and that your account has write access to it.

121 ISAM error: cannot write log record.

The ISAM processor is trying to add a record to the transaction log but has received an error from the operating system. The disk might be full. Look for operating-system error messages that might give more information. The transaction-log file can grow quite large. To reduce its size, you must do two things. First, make a backup copy of the data file (for C-ISAM) or all database files (for SQL). Second, make the transaction-log file an empty file. If you perform these steps routinely, you can control the size of the log file.

122 ISAM error: transaction not available.

The ISAM processor has been asked to mark the start or end of a transaction, but transaction logging is not in effect. For C-ISAM programs, this file was not opened with logging. Review the calls to isopen, and make sure that the ISTRANS parameter is included. For SQL products, this database does not support transaction logging. If you are using the database server, have the database server administrator enable logging for this database. Otherwise, use the START DATABASE statement to begin transaction logging. In all cases, logging should only start immediately after the database has been fully backed up.

123 ISAM error: no shared memory.

This implementation of ISAM uses shared memory; however, the shared-memory partition has not been established. Contact the system administrator or the person who installed the product.

124 ISAM error: no begin work yet.

The ISAM processor has been asked to mark the end of a transaction, but no transaction has been started. For C-ISAM programs, review the program logic to make sure that it calls isbegin before it calls iscommit or isrollback. For SQL products, make sure that you execute BEGIN WORK before COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK.

125 ISAM error: can’t use nfs.

The ISAM processor has been asked to open a file that is located on a disk attached to another computer and that is accessed using the Network File System (NFS). This action is not supported. Database files must be on disks that are physically attached to the computer on which the ISAM processor is running. To use a database on a different computer, you must install the INFORMIX-STAR or INFORMIX-NET networking software. Then an application on this computer can communicate with a database server that is running on the computer to which the disks are attached.

126 ISAM error: bad row id.

The ISAM processor was asked to retrieve a row by its physical location but could not find a row at that location.
For C-ISAM programs, if you are using access by record number, review the number stored in isrecnum; it is invalid. Otherwise, the current index might be damaged; run the bcheck or secheck utility.
For SQL products, the index has been damaged. Run the oncheck utility to check and repair the index if you are using Informix Dynamic Server, INFORMIX-Universal Server, or INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. Run bcheck or secheck if you are using the INFORMIX-SE database server. Run tbcheck if you are using the INFORMIX-OnLine database server.

127 ISAM error: no primary key.

The ISAM processor was called for a function that requires a unique primary-key index, but no such index exists for this file. For C-ISAM programs, review the design of the data file; it was created with a zero-part primary index (that is, for retrieval by record-number sequence). If that is not the case, the index might be damaged; run the bcheck or secheck utility. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

128 ISAM error: no logging.

The ISAM processor was called for a function that requires a transaction log, but none exists for this file. For C-ISAM programs, review the creation of the data file. Before the program uses functions such as isbegin, it must set up a log using islogopen. For SQL products, this database does not support transaction logging. If you are using the database server, have the database server administrator enable logging for this database. Otherwise, use the START DATABASE statement to begin transaction logging. In all cases, start logging only immediately after the database has been fully backed up.

129 ISAM error: too many users.

This implementation of ISAM uses shared memory, and it has reached the maximum number of concurrent users for which the shared memory was configured. You might need to increase the value of the USERTHREADS and TRANSACTIONS configuration parameters in the ONCONFIG file. If the problem recurs, contact the system administrator or the person who installed the product.
The word users can be misleading; the limit is on the number of concurrent application programs using the database server. It is possible for one user to start multiple applications at the same time. For example, when a user starts the INFORMIX-4GL Programmer’s Environment, it opens a session with the database server. When that user issues a command to compile a 4GL program, the 4GL compiler starts and also opens a session with the database server. During a compile, this user has two sessions running.

130 ISAM error: no such dbspace.

This code indicates one of two problems. The most likely problem is that this operation specifies a dbspace by name (for example, in the IN clause of a CREATE TABLE statement or in the DBSPACETEMP environment variable setting), but that name has not been defined. You can run the tbstat or onstat utility with the -d option to see the names of defined dbspaces. Ask the database server administrator about creating a new dbspace.
If the operation does not explicitly name a dbspace, or if the name is correct, the problem might be more serious. The error might reflect corruption of reserved pages in the root dbspace. Use the tbcheck or oncheck utility with the -cr option to check for this condition.

131 ISAM error: no free disk space.

Not enough contiguous free disk space is available to complete the current operation. For C-ISAM programs, if transaction logging is in use, roll back the current transaction. Make some disk space available, and run the program again. For SQL products, roll back the current transaction, if possible. Contact the system administrator about acquiring more disk space for databases.

132 ISAM error: rowsize too big.

The limit on a single row is the disk page size that the database server supports.
Define the table differently, so that each row is shorter. Consider splitting the table into two or more tables or using more compact data types.

133 ISAM error: audit trail exists.

The ISAM processor has been asked to operate on a file in a way that is incompatible with an audit trail, yet an audit trail exists for the file. For C-ISAM programs, you cannot call iscluster while an audit trail exists. First call isaudit with the AUDSTOP mode. For SQL products, you cannot create a clustered index on a table while it has an audit trail. First use the DROP AUDIT statement to drop the audit trail.

134 ISAM error: no more locks.

The ISAM processor needs to lock a row or an index page, but no locks are available. The number of locks that an operation requires depends primarily on the number of rows that a single transaction modifies. You can reduce the number of locks that an operation needs by doing less in each transaction or by locking entire tables instead of locking rows. Depending on the implementation that you are using, the number of locks that is available is configured in one of three places: the operating-system kernel, the shared-memory segment, or the database server. Consult your database server administrator about making more locks available.

135 ISAM error: tblspace does not exist.

This error might indicate corruption of control information in the root dbspace, a serious problem that might require restoring the system from archive. In the short term, roll back the current transaction, and terminate the application. Then the database server administrator should run the tbcheck, oncheck, or onutil utility.

136 ISAM error: no more extents.

The database server needs to add an extent to a table but cannot do so. Either not enough disk space is available in the dbspace, or the table has been given the maximum number of extents that is allowed. The database server administrator can determine the cause as follows:

  1. Determine the tblspace number for the table. It is the value in the partnum column of the systables table for this table.
  2. Convert the tblspace number to hexadecimal and extract its most-significant 2 digits (the high-order byte). This chunk number indicates where the table resides.
  3. Use the tbstat or onstat utility -t option to find out disk usage for this table. Note particularly the values reported for npages (disk pages available), nused (disk pages used), and nextns (number of extents).

If nused is less than npages, and nextns is large (over 200), the table has too many extents. The upper limit of extents per table is between 200 and 50. The limit varies with the table definition and the disk-page size in use. Reallocate the table using fewer, larger extents. Unload the table data to a flat file. Drop the table. Re-create the table, specifying a first-extent size sufficient to hold all its current data and a next-extent size between one-fourth and one-sixteenth its current size. Then reload the data into the table.
If nextns is small or the difference between npages and nused is less than the size of the next-extent size for the table, not enough disk space is available in the dbspace where the table resides. Use the chunk number from step 2 and the ON-Monitor or ON-Monitor Chunks display to determine the dbspace, then add a new chunk to that dbspace.

137 ISAM error: chunk table overflow.

The database system administrator sees this error message. The database server is configured to handle a certain number of disk chunks. The limit has been reached, so a chunk could not be added. Increase the CHUNKS parameter of the TBCONFIG or ONCONFIG file, and initialize shared memory.

138 ISAM error: dbspace table overflow.

The database server administrator sees this error message. The database server is configured to handle a certain number of dbspaces. The limit has been reached, so a dbspace could not be added. Increase the DBSPACES parameter of the TBCONFIG or ONCONFIG file, and initialize shared memory.

139 ISAM error: logfile table overflow.

The database server administrator sees this error. The database server is configured to handle a certain number of logical logs. The limit has been reached, so a log could not be added. Increase the LOGSMAX parameter of the TBCONFIG or ONCONFIG file and initialize shared memory.

140 ISAM error: operation illegal on a DR secondary.

A DR secondary server is meant for read-only operations. Any kind of write operation to a nontemporary dbspace is not allowed. For example, you cannot create a table in a regular dbspace, and you cannot do an insert, update, or delete operation on a table in a regular dbspace.
Review your application logic and rewrite it to remove any operations that would write to a nontemporary dbspace.
ISAM error: global section disallowing access.
This error occurs only in the VMS operating system. An internal error occurred during initialization of shared memory. If the error recurs, note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

141 ISAM error: tblspace table overflow.

The database server is configured to handle a certain number of open tblspaces (which correspond approximately to tables). This limit has been reached, so a table that is used in this statement could not be opened. In the short term, roll back the current transaction and then re-execute it when fewer concurrent operations are going on. To prevent recurrence, the database server administrator should configure the system to handle more open tblspaces. The TBLSPACES parameter of the TBCONFIG or ONCONFIG file sets the limit. The ovrtable count in the ON-Monitor or ON-Monitor Profile display reflects the number of times this error occurs.

142 ISAM error: overflow of tblspace page.

An internal error (probably obsolete) occurred. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

143 ISAM error: deadlock detected.

The database server has detected an impending deadlock between your request and other, concurrent user requests. Each user request is waiting for a resource (a row or disk page) that is held by another request in the chain; if your requested operation went forward, the chain would be closed and all requests would be deadlocked. In the short term, treat this error the same as -107 (record is locked). Roll back the current transaction, and re-execute it after a delay. To prevent recurrence, review the design of the applications that use the same tables and execute concurrently. Various design strategies can minimize the probability of deadlock.
When INFORMIX-STAR is active, and your application is using tables in both this system and another system, deadlock detection is no longer deterministic but probabilistic, based on the duration of a delay waiting for resources in another system. The database server administrator can set the length of the delay after which deadlock is assumed.

144 ISAM error: key value locked.

The current operation inserts a row with a certain primary key value or updates a row with a certain primary key value, but a transaction that has not yet been committed has deleted that key value from the index. This error occurs only when the lock mode is set to NOT WAIT. Treat it the same as error -107 (record is locked). Roll back the current transaction, and re-execute it after a delay. Then, if the other transaction was committed, the lock no longer exists. If it was rolled back, the key exists, and this operation receives a duplicate-key error.

145 ISAM error: system does not have disk mirroring.

The database server administrator sees this error. This database server has not been initialized to support disk mirroring. Before you can add a mirror chunk, you must reconfigure the database server to support mirroring.

146 ISAM error: the other copy of this disk is currently disabled or non-existent.

The database server administrator sees this error. You must bring the other chunk of this mirror pair to on-line status before you can take this chunk off line.

147 ISAM error: archive in progress.

The database server administrator sees this error. The action that you have requested cannot be carried out while an archive is being made. For example, you cannot add a log or a mirror during archiving. Cancel the archive or wait until it is complete, and then reissue the command.

148 ISAM error: dbspace is not empty.

The database server administrator sees this error. You cannot remove a dbspace until all tables that are in it have been dropped. To find the names of remaining tables, use the tbcheck or oncheck utility with the -pe option; its report lists tables by chunk within dbspaces.

149 ISAM error: INFORMIX-OnLine daemon is no longer running.

Your application was in communication with the database server, but the database server is no longer running. Your current transaction will be rolled back when the database server goes through fast recovery as it next starts up. Terminate the application, and contact the database server administrator to find out what happened and when the database server will be restarted.

150 The limits of the INFORMIX Demo Version have been exceeded.

You are using a demonstration version of the database server. This version has severe limits on the number of tables and the size of the tables that it can manage. The current operation causes it to exceed one of those limits. Contact your Informix representative about buying the production version of the software.

151 ISAM error: Illegal value in varchar length field.

This internal error occurs when the leading byte in a VARCHAR column on disk indicates a VARCHAR length greater than the column was defined to hold when the column was created.
If the error recurs, refer to the information on trapping errors in your Administrator’s Guide. To acquire additional diagnostics, contact Informix Technical Support with the diagnostic information.

152 ISAM error: Illegal message type received from remote process.

This internal error should not occur. Note all the details about the network software in use and the version level of the database servers in this and the other host system. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

153 ISAM error: not in ISMANULOCK mode.

The ISAM processor has been asked to lock or unlock the current file (table), but the file was not opened in the appropriate mode. For C-ISAM programs, review the uses of isopen, and make sure that the ISMANULOCK flag is passed when the program opens a table for manual locking. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

154 ISAM error: Lock Timeout Expired.

This network operation has been suspended, awaiting a response from another database server, for the maximum duration allowed. The local database server assumes that a distributed deadlock exists and that this user request is awaiting a resource that was locked by a user in a different system, which is awaiting a resource that this user owns. Roll back the current transaction, and retry it after a delay. If this error occurs frequently, ask the database server administrator to adjust the length of the deadlock time-out interval.
This code is also returned when an explicit wait time limit expires; that is, if you have SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT 3, and your request is queued for more than 3 seconds for a lock, the operation ends with this ISAM error code.

155 ISAM error: Primary and Mirror chunks are bad.

The primary chunk (and the mirror chunk, if one exists) are unusable. Roll back the current transaction and terminate the application. Contact the database server administrator. New disk chunks must be defined, and then the system must be restored.

156 Message number -156 not found.

157 ISAM error: Interrupted ISAM call.

An interrupt that was detected from client process has terminated the operation. Restart the operation.

158 ISAM error: Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table.

You have attempted an SQL operation that is not supported on System Monitoring Interface (SMI) pseudo tables. Try another operation.

159 ISAM error: Collation sequence invalid.

You are attempting to use a collation sequence that is either not supported or does not match the sequence originally used to create the ISAM file. Use islanginfo() to determine the language of the ISAM file.

160 ISAM error: only one TEXT or BYTE field may be open at any time.

This internal error should not occur. The database server has called the isbopen function twice in a row. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

161 ISAM error: no TEXT or BYTE field is open.

This internal error should not occur. The database server has called a TEXT or BYTE function without first calling isbopen. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

162 ISAM error: Storage space does not exist.

The most likely cause of this error is that the current statement attempts to define a BYTE or TEXT column using the clause IN blobspace, but no storage space of that name has been defined. However, if the storage space was correctly spelled and should exist, a reserved page in the root dbspace might have been corrupted. In that case, the database server administrator should run tbcheck -cr, oncheck -cr, or onutil to check the situation. If the statement makes no reference to TEXT or BYTE columns, possibly the root dbspace is full or corrupted; contact the database server administrator for further help.

163 ISAM error: begin and end page stamps are different.

The database server is reporting evidence of corruption of the database. Each disk page has time stamps at each end that should be identical when the page is read from disk. This test of data integrity has failed, indicating either that a disk page was not fully written to disk or that one has been partially overwritten on disk or in memory. In any case, you should roll back the current transaction and terminate the application. Then notify the database server administrator, who should run the tbcheck, oncheck, or onutil utility to get more information about the failure.

164 ISAM error: TEXT or BYTE stamp is incorrect.

This operation has returned an invalid BYTE or TEXT value. Possibly the data pages have been corrupted. Roll back the current transaction. Have the database server administrator use tbcheck -D, oncheck -D, or onutil to get more information about the problem.
If the program is operating with Dirty Read or Committed Read isolation, this code might indicate that another process or thread has deleted the BYTE or TEXT value and its pages have been partly reallocated to an unrelated value. A program using Dirty Read isolation can read rows that have been deleted if the deletion has not yet been committed. If the deletion is committed while the program is reading a BYTE or TEXT value, and if the space allocated to the value is reused for some other program, this error code might be returned.
When a program uses Committed Read isolation, it does not see a row that has been marked for deletion; however, no lock is placed on a row that is not read for update. BYTE or TEXT data is read in a second step, after the row has been fetched. During this lengthy step, it is possible for another program to delete the row and commit the deletion and for the storage space to be reused. To determine if this has occurred, the program should stop processing the BYTE or TEXT value and reread the row. If the program can no longer read the other fields in the row, the row has been deleted. If the program can still read the row, the storage space is corrupted.

165 ISAM error: TEXT or BYTE column does not exist.

This internal error should not occur. The database server has called the isbcreate function for a table column that is not defined as BYTE or TEXT. If the error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

166 ISAM error: Storage space is full.

This operation attempts to insert or update the value of a BYTE or TEXT column, but not enough space is available in the storage space in which that column is stored. Roll back the current transaction, and terminate the application. Then ask the database server administrator to add a chunk of disk space to this storage space.
When BYTE and TEXT values are deleted or replaced, the pages that they occupy in the storage space do not become available for reuse until the logical log in which that transaction appears has been freed. A logical log has been freed if the log is backed up to tape and all transactions in the log are closed.

167 ISAM error: Storage-space size is not multiple of PAGESIZE.

The database server administrator sees this error. When you define a storage space, you must specify a page size that is an integral multiple of the system page size. The system page size is set in the Parameters screen when the database server is first initialized.

168 ISAM error: archive is blocking storage space allocation.

Allocation of disk pages in a storage space is frozen while an on-line archive is being made. Therefore, pages that contain TEXT or BYTE data at the time that the archive began are not freed and overwritten by new pages before they can be written to the archive tape. As soon as all the used pages in the chunk are archived, allocation in that chunk can resume. Normal row data can go on changing while the archive is being made because changed dbspace pages can be written, or rewritten, on the tape at any point.

169 ISAM error: Pages for TEXT or BYTE data can’t be allocated from a chunk until chunk add is logged.

When a storage space containing TEXT or BYTE data has been extended by adding a new chunk, no pages can be allocated until the log record showing the addition of the chunk has been logged. If this rule were not enforced, certain anomalies could occur during recovery. You do not have to wait until the log is full; you can run the tbmode or onmode utility with the -l option to force a switch to the next log.

170 ISAM error: illegal use of a storage space for TEXT or BYTE data.

You attempted to add a log to a storage space for TEXT or BYTE data. You can add logs only to dbspaces.

171 ISAM error: ISAM file format change detected.

A program that uses a particular locking method or index-node size has attempted to access an ISAM file that was created using a different locking method or index-node size.
If you are migrating files from a platform that uses another index-node size, you must run the bcheck or secheck utility with the -s option against all of the ISAM files (.dat and .idx) to resize the index nodes.
For INFORMIX-SE, if you are migrating applications between platforms that use different locking methods, you must set the environment variable RESETLOCK to convert ISAM files as you access them. You can access all files for a given database by running UPDATE STATISTICS in that database, if time permits.
For C-ISAM applications, if you are migrating applications between platforms that use different locking methods, you must set the environment variable RESETLOCK to convert C-ISAM files as you access them.

172 ISAM error: Unexpected internal error.

You encountered an unanticipated internal event. Consult the online.log to see if the diagnostics preserved any additional information regarding this event. If the error recurs, refer to your Administrator’s Guide to acquire additional diagnostics. Contact Informix Technical Support with the diagnostic information.

173 ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical log back up.

This generic message indicates that the logical-log backup has failed. The SQL API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error.

174 ISAM error: An error has occurred during archive back up.

This generic message indicates that the archive backup has failed. The SQL API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error.

175 ISAM error: An error has occurred during physical restore.

This generic message indicates that the physical restore has failed. The SQL API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error.

176 ISAM error: An error has occurred during logical restore.

This generic error indicates that the logical restore has failed. The SQL API also contains useful error text that is associated with this error.

177 Message number -177 not found.

178 ISAM error: Database is locked; pending change to logging mode.

A request has been made to change the logging status of a database. Until a level-0 archive is done for all the storage spaces that the database uses, access to the database is blocked.

179 ISAM error: No free disk space for sort.

While performing a sort, the database server did not find enough contiguous free disk space to create necessary temporary files. You might have insufficient disk space and need to make more disk space available before you run the program again. You might have made an error when you specified the names of temporary dbspaces in DBSPACETEMP or directory names in PSORT_DBTEMP. Check the spelling of your temporary space names as specified in DBSPACETEMP. If you specified multiple temporary dbspaces, check that you used colons (:) or commas (,) as delimiters.

180 Message number -180 not found.

181 ISAM error: No Optical Subsystem connection.

The Optical subsystem is not present. This message usually means that you requested an Optical operation on a database server that is being used without the Optical subsystem or INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical.

182 ISAM error: Duplicate optical BLOBSpace name.

A storage space for TEXT or BYTE data has been defined with the same name as an Optical family name.

183 Message number -183 not found.

184 Message number -184 not found.

185 Message number -185 not found.

186 Message number -186 not found.

187 ISAM error: User Defined Routine execution failed.

A user-defined routine (UDR) failed to execute properly. Typically, this occurs when the UDR raises an error.
For more specific information, see the message log.


ISAM error: Cannot add transaction logging on a DR primary with DR on.
Transaction logging cannot be added to a database on the primary database server of a data replication (DR) pair while DR is in use. DR has to be turned off for transaction logging to be added.
Adding transaction logging to a database after turning DR off requires bringing up the DR pair again through a level-0 archive on the primary database server and its physical restore on the secondary database server. Restarting DR is necessary to avoid DR failures due to inconsistencies between the primary and secondary database servers, caused by the addition of transaction logging.

189 Message number -189 not found.

190 ISAM error: Transaction table overflow.

No more slots are available in the transaction table. To see this table, run onstat with the -x option.

191 ISAM error: No such chunk.

The chunk that was specified to be dropped does not exist.

192 ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk.

The first chunk of a storage space is never a candidate to be dropped. Select a different chunk.

193 ISAM error: Chunk is busy.

Logical recovery cannot roll forward a chunk add because the chunk already exists. This error results when the chunk is dropped from a storage space, or the space is dropped, and the chunk is reused for another storage space without a level-0 backup performed first.

194 ISAM error: Chunk not empty.

A chunk is not empty and therefore cannot be dropped.

195 Message number -195 not found.

196 ISAM error: Operation not allowed in temporary dbspace.

An operation was executed on a temporary dbspace that required functionality that temporary dbspaces do not provide (most likely logging). Use a nontemporary dbspace for this operation.

197 ISAM error: Partition recently appended to; can’t open for write or logging.

If this internal error recurs, please note all circumstances and contact Informix Technical Support.

198 Cannot alter table. Too many in-place alters of the table in progress.

Informix limits the number of outstanding in-place ALTER TABLE requests to 255. A 256th in-place alter of a table was requested before the completion of the first in-place alter. Completion means that all rows of the table in the first in-place alter have been physically altered.
To recover from this error, you must take one of the following steps:

  • Wait until the first in-place alter is complete, and issue another in-place ALTER TABLE statement.
  • Change the format of the ALTER TABLE statement to request an alter that does not add columns to the end of the table. Such a statement will use the older algorithm instead of the in-place alter algorithm.
  • Perform an update of each row in the table to force the outstanding alters to complete. Because rows are only modified to the latest schema as they are updated, the only way to force an in-place alter to complete physically is to update each row in the table. To accomplish this result, use a dummy update in which a column in the table is set to its own value. The dummy update forces the row to be updated to the latest schema in the process without actually changing column values. Rows are always altered to the latest schema, so a single pass through the table that updates all rows will complete all outstanding in-place alters.

199 ISAM error: Dbspace is full.

The dbspace is full. If you are adding a logical log through onparams, there is not enough space in the dbspace for a log of the size specified. This error also occurs if you attempt to create a temporary table with log (the default log setting for temporary tables) when the DBSPACETEMP variable in ONCONFIG is set to TEMP or NOTCRITICAL.
To add the logical log, either add one or more chunks to the dbspace or specify a smaller log size.
To create temporary tables, either set DBSPACETEMP to ALL or create temporary tables with no log.
Smart Disk Error.
An error has occurred with the Smart Disk system. For more information, see the accompanying message.

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