Use stored procedures in 4GL

Use stored procedures in 4GL

You can use the ‘prepare/execute’ syntax in 4GL. For example:


This statement will be automatically translated to the MySQL syntax for procedure calls if using v4.4 of Hydra software and above versions. If you are using an older version, you will need to use the native MySQL syntax:

PREPARE NATIVE p1 FROM “CALL procedure_name()”EXECUTE p1

Notice that the ‘NATIVE’ keyword is used in the prepared statement when Informix SQL syntax is not being used.
Please use the following instructions while working with SQL Server: EXEC procedue_name <parameters> <output values>

Where output_values are numbers prefixed with ‘:’, for example:

— input values
PREPARE NATIVE p1 FROM “EXEC procedure_name ?, ?”

EXECUTE p1 USING value1, value2

— output values
PREPARE p1 FROM “EXEC procedure_name :0, :1”

EXECUTE p1 INTO output1, output2

— input and output values
PREPARE NATIVE p1 FROM “EXEC procedue_name ?, ?, :0, :1”

EXECUTE p1 INTO output1, output1 USING value1, value2

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