SSL Tool Guide

SSL Tool Guide

In /SSL/misc there is a file called ‘CA.pl’, to display various switches run the command: ./CA.pl -?

In order to create the certificate, run the command: ./CA.pl –newreq

You will be prompted to enter the information for the certificate.

Make sure that all of the prompts are answered, otherwise the certificate cannot be created.

Once all the prompts are answered, a file called ‘newreq.pem’ will be created. This file will contain the private and public keys. Make a copy of this file in the same directory naming the file ”privatekeyenc.pem”. The information in these files is separated by start and end markers and a label in the middle of each describing which one is the private key and which one is the public key. In the ‘privatekey.pem’ file you need to delete the public key information. In ‘vi’ editor you can delete a line by pressing ‘D’ twice. Once the public key information is deleted from the ‘privatekey.pem’ file, you need to open the ‘newreq.pem’ file, delete all the private key information and then save the file. Send the ‘newreq.pem’ file to support@querix.com or one of our partners for the certificate to be signed.

Please feel free to contact our support team in case if you need any information or assistance.

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