Checklist for runtime
Checklist for runtime
Please, go through this checklist before running your 4gl application and check that all these requirements are met.
We do not assure the correct runtime behavior of your applications unless these requirements are met.
Querix license server can be reached from your network:
telnet license-server.querix.com 80
telnet license-server.querix.com 80
The license status is Active, and the necessary number of runtime seats is available:
$QUERIXDIR/bin/licensegen or qxlm -l
$QUERIXDIR/bin/licensegen or qxlm -l
Application server accepts connections:
telnet <server_ip> <hydra_appserver_port>
telnet <server_ip> <hydra_appserver_port>
Both application server and development station have the same version of Hydra installed:
$HYDRA_DIR/bin/fglc -V
$HYDRA_DIR/bin/fglc -V
Application server is running:
/etc/init.d/qxinetd2 status
/etc/init.d/qxinetd2 status
The necessary port is available on the AppServer machine:
netstat -vatn | grep <hydra_appserver_port>
netstat -vatn | grep <hydra_appserver_port>
The application has the necessary permission on the AppServer machine:
ls -la <application>
ls -la <application>
Your application server uses the correct inet.env file:
cat /usr/local/AppServer/listener.xml
cat /usr/local/AppServer/listener.xml