Hydra: Other
Hydra: Other
- Can’t start Studio on Unix/Linux. X server is refusing connection
- Change the Default Settings in TextView
- Characters are not displayed correctly
- Clicking the Setnet32 button does not launch setnet32
- Configure SSL for Hydra
- Formats of Dates and Money values depend on the locale
- Having imported my program into HydraStudio, it now acts differently
- How can I import the existing i4gl files into Hydra4GL using the command line?
- HydraStudio says 'example is not recognized as an internal or external'
- I cannot get the correct date format
- I cannot setup my environment on Unix
- I have a problem with displaying non-Latin letters
- Input of native language symbols on UNIX/Linux
- Make Querix reports behave like Informix reports
- Multibyte (UTF8) is not working
- My Application Event Log are filling up with warnings from qxinetd2 and qxmenu services. What should I do?
- Preventing qxconsole window from displaying
- Problem with getting registry entries for 64-bit version of Windows
- Querix 4GL differences with Informix 4GL & Dynamic 4GL (BDS)
- Rebuild the terminfo for Wyse50
- REPORT to file: Output file is not created (Windows)
- Run HydraStudio
- Run Text/Character Mode client
- Running programs from Hydra
- SQLHOSTS file modification
- F-keys (F1, F7) don't work
- SSL Tool Guide
- Text Mode doesn’t execute on Linux/Unix
- Use Hydra4GL with applications created with FourGen
- What integer codes do my function keys return?
- Where can I find version and build numbers of my Querix Tools?
- Querix/Informix 4GL keys