Error codes 1300 – 1399

Error codes 1300 – 1399

1301 Value out of acceptable range.

1302 The two responses do not match … please try again.

1303 Can not edit this field because of a picture.

1304 Field entry error.

1305 A value must be entered in this field.

1306 Please reenter data for verification.

1307 Input array full, no further rows insertable.

1308 Row can not be deleted – no data exists.

1309 Program warning at “%s”, line number %d.

1310 Program error at “%s”, line number %d.

1311 Date: %s Time: %s User: %s

1312 Error number %d in a FORM related statement.

1313 Error number %d in a SQL statement.

1314 Program:%s halted at: module “%s” line number %d.

1315 Run-time error number %d in Q4GL.

1316 ISAM error code number %d.

1317 Conversion error, incompatible parameters in calling program and its function or between a variable and its assigned expression.

It has not been possible to convert between data types in the current statement.

1318 Parameter count mismatch between the calling program and function called.

Check the function definition and where calls are made to make sure the correct use of declared number of parameters.

1319 Program short of runtime data space memory.

A reduction in the data work space is required, check for the size of large variables and array dimensions. It may be the program should be split, so that programs may be loaded separately.

1320 The number of values returned by the called function is different to that expected by the calling statement.

The function invoked as part of an expression has returned more than one value, or when invoked with a CALL statement, the number of variables after the RETURN statement is different to that of the RETURNING expresion.

1322 Can not open output file for a report.

A file specified by the statement REPORT TO can not be opened, check access permissions to write to file, disk space, and limits to the number of files opened.

1323 Can not open output pipe for a report.

A pipe specified by the statement REPORT TO PIPE can not be opened, check that all programs specified in it exist and execution paths make them accessible.

1324 Can not write to a report output file.

An error was detected when writing to the output file specified by REPORT TO, after it was opened, check for disk errors and operating system messages.

1325 Can not open a PRINT FILE source file for reading.

A file specified by a PRINT FILE statement can not be opened, check for file existance, the path to the file and read permissions, check for system messages.

1326 Reference outside of the specified dimension of an array variable.

Subscript expression for an array has resulted in a zero, NULL, negative or a value larger than array size.

1328 Can not create a temporary table needed for a report in the selected database.

An SQL statement to save rows in a temporary table is generated by the Q4GL, the temporary table can not be created. Check for DBMS message.

1329 Can not create a database index for a temporary table used by a report.

An SQL statement to save rows in a temporary table is generated by the Q4GL, an index can not be created on the table. Check for DBMS message.

1330 Can not insert a row into a temporary table used by a report file.

An SQL statement to save rows in a temporary table is generated by the Q4GL, an error is produced when rows were being inserted. Check for DBMS message.

1331 Can not fetch a row from the temporary table used by a report.

An error is produced while executing an SQL statement, generated dynamically by Q4GL, to select rows from a successfully built temporary table in the report function. Check for DBMS message.

1332 A character variable has been referenced with subscripts out of range.

The variable used in a substring of a character value, is negative or larger than the variable, or first substring is greater than the second.

1333 Function calls can not return strings larger than 32767 in length.

A character string longer than 32767 characters is contained in a RETURN expression.

1334 String too large for temporary string storage by Q4GL.

When executing expressions a temporary string storage is used that should not exceed the size set in the environment variable QXSTRPOOL (if this is not set the default length of 32767 is used).
If nested function calls are used the return string may exceed the limit.

1335 Before a report is started it is accepting output or terminating.

Execution of a FINISH REPORT or OUTPUT TO REPORT has been initiated, before the execution of START REPORT.

1340 Error log has not been started.

The errorlog() function has been called before calling the startlog() function.

1341 Unable to open the logfile

The startlog() function failed to open the specified log file

1353 For edition of TEXT and BYTE fields use !.

It is possible to call external editors to edit a field, to call such a program it must be defined using the PROGRAM attribute in the form specification. Pressing the ! character key would invoke the external editor in the field where the cursor is situated.

1355 Can not built temporary file for LOCATE variable TEXT or BYTE.

An error occurs when Q4GL attemptes to create the temporary file. Check for the value of DBTEMP.

1356 Can not built temporary file for LOCATE variable TEXT or BYTE. Error when writing to temporary file.

When writing to a temporary file designated to a TEXT or BYTE variable, operating system has signalled an error. Check disk space, check hardware failure, and other messages from the operating system.

1357 Error when reading temporary file.

When reading a temporary file designated to a TEXT or BYTE variable, operating system has signalled an error. Check hardware failure, and other messages from the operating system.

1358 Error when writing to BLOB file.

When writing to a temporary file designated to a TEXT or BYTE variable, operating system has signalled an error. Check disk space, check hardware failure, and other messages from the operating system.

1359 Error when reading BLOB file.

When reading a temporary file designated to a TEXT or BYTE variable, operating system has signalled an error. Check hardware failure, and other messages from the operating system.

1360 No external editor has been defined.

Attempt to invoke the external editor, pressing ! in a field, without having specified the external program. Use the PROGRAM attribute in the form specification file or the DBEDIT environment variable before starting the program.

1372 Number too large for a DECIMAL or MONEY variable.

1373 CONSTRUCT/INPUT statement does not contain the field specified.

Check list of fields in a CONSTRUCT or INPUT statement, the calls to GET_FLDBUF() or FIELD_TOUCHED() with field name shown, may have not been requested in these statements and the function can not return a meaningful value.

1374 Warning on SQL character transaction or truncation.

If the statement is a DATABASE statement, the database has just opened a transaction log. In other statements a character value from the database has been truncated to fit destination.

1375 Warning, ANSI mode or aggregate SQL NULL value.

If the statement is a DATABASE statement, the database opened is ANSI-compliant.
For other SQL statements a null value has been used when calculating an aggregate value.

1376 Warning, mismatching SELECT and INTO lists, or ONLINE backend.

1377 Warning, the database server will use DECIMAL data type for FLOAT values.

1378 Warning, non-ANSI SQL extension.

An operation has been performed on an ANSI-compliant database, using non ANSI-SQL statements.

1379 Attempt to CALL a report function, OUTPUT TO REPORT statement should be used.

1380 CLIPPED can only be used with character expressions.

1381 Unsupported SQL protocol.

Querix does not support the protocol specified in the SQLHOSTS file. Please refer to the release notes for supported protocols.

1382 No active form.

INFIELD, GETFLBUF, etc. can only be called when a form is active. Ensure that an INPUT, or DISPLAY statement is currently active when they are called.

1383 Invalid or uninitialized data value detected.

Initialize this variable before attempting to refer to its value.

1384 Possible Uninitialized data value detected.

This variable is possibly uninitialized. Note that some variables of INT, SMALLINT, DATE, FLOAT, and SMALLFLOAT may be falsely identified as unintialized. Check the reference to the variable’s value at this position in the code.

1385 Input on a form that is no longer displayed

Input has been attempted on a form that is no longer being displayed. A subsequent statement has caused the form to be overwritten with a new one. You must not attempt any further input on this form.
Consider opening the subform in a new window rather this window.

1386 Report statement attempted without a current report.

You have attempted a statement which is only valid for a report but there is no report in progress. Please check the context the statement was executed in to ensure that statements such as PRINT are only executed in functions called from a REPORT statement.

1387 No default printer specified for the system

Hydra is attempting to print a report to the default system printer, but no default has been setup. Either set a default printer under the control panel, or specify a default printer for reports using the environment variable LPDEST.

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