Oracle for Hydra

Oracle for Hydra

Oracle Windows Connections

To make a connection to an Oracle database, as a minimum, an Oracle runtime client needs to be installed on your machine.

If no database server or runtime environment is installed on your machine, the following options are suggested for installation.

  1. From the Oracle 9i Server Autorun screen, click the Install/Deinstall Products button.
  2. In the Welcome screen, click the Next button.
  3. In the File Locations screen, click the Next button.
  4. In the Available Products screen, select the Oracle 9i Client radio button, and click the Next button.
  5. In the Installation Types screen, select the Runtime radio button, and click the Next button.
    The Runtime installation will need about 200MB of hard disk space.
  6. In the Summary screen, click the Install button.
  7. In the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Welcome screen, select the Yes radio button, if a directory service is available, otherwise select the No radio button.
    If there is no directory service available, and the No radio button was selected go to Step 9, otherwise continue at Step 8.
    If the Configuration Tools window is displayed, close it. The Welcome window will be found underneath it. Go to step 10.
  8. In the next screen, you are asked to specify the location of the directory service. In the Hostname field, type the name of the server where the directory service is located. [If Oracle Internet Directory is selected the Port and SSL Port can also be specified.]
  9. In the next screen, you are asked which version of the Oracle database or service that you want to access. Choose the appropriate radio button and click the Next button.
  10. In the next screen, in the Service Name field, type the name of the database service to be used.
  11. In the next screen, from the list shown select the network protocol to be used, and click the Next button. This is usually TCP, but you should check this with your DBA.
    If the NMP protocol is selected the value needed is that of the Pipe. If the IPC protocol is selected the IPC Key Value is needed.
  12. In the next screen, in the Host Name field type the name of the database server; choose the radio button for the standard port or for another port number, and click the Next button.
  13. The next screen asks you if you want to test the connection to the database. Select the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ radio button and click the Next button.
    If you choose the ‘Yes’ radio button a dialog box will appear telling you the result of the connection test.
  14. In the next field, in the Net Service Name field, type a name for the net service that you are creating.
  15. In the next screen, you are asked if you would like to configure another net service name. Choose the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ radio button and click the Next button.
  16. If the ‘No’ radio button was chosen the next screen will tell you that the Net Service Name Configuration is complete. Click the Next button, and in the next screen, click the Finish button.

Connection Setup

To set up the database connection tool with the Hydra Connect tool, follow these instructions:

  1. Open ‘HydraStudio’, and from the Tools menu, select Database Connections.
    The Querix Connect window is displayed.
  2. Select the Oracle tab and click the Add button. The Add Database window is displayed. The Oracle Add Database window
  3. In the Informix Database field, type the original name of the Informix database that you want to refer to in Oracle.
    The Oracle database structure and handling system are very different from those of Informix. However, ‘Hydra4GL’ allows you to treat your Oracle database in the same way as your Informix database.
  4. In the Current User Oracle Database field, type the Oracle connection mapping for the current NT user that you are logged on as.
    This is written in the format: Oracle_User/password@Oracle_service_name, for example: scott/tiger@ora1
  5. In the Global Oracle Database field, use the same format to type the Oracle connection mapping for all users who use this system.
  6. Click the OK button.

Oracle Unix/Linux Connections

To make a connection to an Oracle database, as a minimum, an Oracle runtime client needs to be installed on your machine.

Oracle 8 and 9i will not run on all of the latest Linux operating systems, for example, Red Hat 9. This will become apparent when you attempt to install the database, or runtime client on your machine. The installation will not be successful. If no database server or runtime environment is installed on your machine, the following options are advised for installation.

  1. Before installation is started a user and group with the name ‘oracle’ and a directory needs to be made, into which the installation files can be extracted. The following lines of code are provided as an example:
    adduser oracle
    groupadd oracle
    mkdir orainst
  2. Extract the installation files into the orainst directory that have just created, using the command:
    gunzip < /mnt/cdrom/filename | cpio –\ extract – make-directories
  3. Change the user to Oracle and then start the installation process with the command: ./runInstaller
  4. In the Welcome screen, click the Next button.
  5. In the File Locations screen, click the Next button. A dialog box is displayed which confirms that products are being loaded.
  6. In the Available Products screen, select the Oracle 9i Client radio button and click the Next button.
  7. In the Installation Types screen, select the Runtime radio button, and click the Next button.
    The Runtime environment will need about 475MB of hard disk space to install.
  8. In the Summary screen, click the Install button.
  9. In the End of Installation screen, click the Exit button.
  10. At the Exit dialog, click the Yes button.

Connection Setup

In the directory in which ‘Hydra4GL’ is installed, create or edit the file: /etc/dbtrans
Add a line of code in the following format:
Informix_database_name * * Oracle_connection_string
For example: stores * * scott/tiger@ora1

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